Opening hours

Monday & Friday 14h – 17h

Saturday 10h – 12h & 14h – 17h

If not open please call us on:

+41 (0)81 420 49 49

The Brücke 49 Butik.
Just online.

At Brücke 49 we have opened a little Butik with our favourite design pieces, both crafted by us and carefully selected collaborating partners. The pieces are both locally sourced and from collaborators in other European countries, making the selection small yet exquisite. We have collected some of our favourites for you to order here in our online store.

We are not a tradition Shop …each request will generate an e mail and we will advice and help you personally.

We produce our Cashmere through my long time Friend Lotte from Rows and Stitches.
We only make 50 pieces of each item and you only find it here in Vals in our store Brücke Butik or by writing to us.

“Every time I visit Brücke 49 – I want to bring back a memory from my stay. I have to admit stealing a flower or two from the garden to take with me home, but instead I now bring back something from the fine ‘Butik’ as a beloved memoir.”